Young Farmers Committee Meets

The Young Farmers Committee met at 7 p.m. on Thursday, January 5th, with the following members present: Austin Brown, Cortney Sowa, Kyle Johnson, Jarrad Mulderink, Candice Kestel, Joe Davis, Corey Brandau, chairman, and Mark Schneidewind, Farm Bureau manager.

Corey covered the pedal pull circuit for 2023, and the group said we need to stop with what they have been asked to do at this point with the retirement of three members this year. The pedal pulls for 2023 will be as follows: 4H Foundation Dinner on February 18th with the pull at 5 p.m.; Family Fun Night on July 13th; Thresherman’s Show on July 22nd; Symerton Homecoming on August 20th; Will County Fair on August 26th, and in addition, the pedal pull that they are to auction off at the FFA Auction and lunch; Chasing Cans for Cancer on September 2nd, and Christmas in the Village on December 9th.

They approved the Focus on Youth program for 2023, and they are doing a belated Christmas party because of being so busy during Christmas. There will be a retirement party will be for Luke Baskerville, Ryan Nugent and Corey Brandau on September 9th. They will cook pork chops for the PrimeTimers picnic on Aug 2nd.

The group reviewed the golf outing and decided on several items. They will keep blue course, will have seniors tee off (closer tee colors), will keep prices the same for the 2023 year of $125 per golfer and $150 after early bird sign up. They will keep sponsorships the same as follows: $100 for hole sponsor, $300 food sponsor, $500 beverage sponsor and $1,000 for platinum sponsor, which includes a foursome.

They lost the condo prize for 2023 because of the hurricane, so they discussed what to replace it with. They have a gun raffle secured for the event, will be checking on a whole hog, 1/2 of beef, booze wagon or wheel barrel and a few other items will be looked into. They will keep top foursome winning $125 certificates per person and second place $50 per person. They will keep the following games: cannon game, wheel game, ag trivia game with Dakota and Abby, Bozo buckets by Judy Ogalla, long drive and closest to pin. Hole in one with Dralle Chevy will be held as well, and we need to see if we can get a vehicle out this year with more vehicles hitting the lots now. So save the date for the golfing event on July 28th at Green Garden Country Club with registration 10 a.m. and shot gun start 11 a.m.

The Farm Bureau annual meeting is set for Jan 28th at the Will County Fair Grounds. Doors open at 4:30 p.m., and we will eat around 6:10 to 6:15 after part of the business meeting. We will have 3 to 4 live auction items, 3 raffles and the silent auction is online again, and will go live with it on January 18th and it will run until February 1st at 9 p.m.

Ag Olympics will be downscaled for 2023, as no one has given them a date yet and with help getting short they plan to do just different events for 2 areas. The group will donate a pedal tractor event to the Peotone FFA for auction at their Feb 26th auction at the atrium. The group will do a trap shoot at Mike’s, and Joe said if that is an issue, he can host it, and it is set for August 12th.

Corey mentioned that the FFA program for scheduling an event has been a challenge with businesses not touring because of COVID yet. The answer given to us by 11 businesses has been for the safety of their employees, there are no outside tours. They had to push this off until later in the year and have it set for April 28th. The first part is done, and they are working on lunch and a second stop. The group said to avoid this for next year we will do a local set of tours as it has been 11 days working on this with it not being completed and tour facilities are not willing to help with many details as well. They will have Peotone and the New Lenox groups this year.

The group will assist with harvest dinner when set, as the corn and soybean growers meet next week and will do their planning. Corey mentioned that the Women for Family Farms has an estate program set for February 28th at 6 p.m. with a lite meal planned. Reservations are required, and ads will appear in the next 2 weeks. The Ag Expo is March 13-16 at JJC, and we will need speakers on March 14, 15 and 16. The group will ask Ryan, Candice said yes, and they will check with Annie and a few others from the committee. There will be more a focus on wheat for the 2023-year program. The committee is still in charge of getting a combine, tractor, and drill for the event.

Pesticide applicators testing is March 23rd, and reservations required as specific times are being assigned this year. Participants need to register through the extension office.

The group set their next meeting for March 2nd at Austin’s barn at 7 p.m.


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