Storm Damaged Trees … what to do and not to

July 25, 2024 /

Well, Mother Nature certainly is having her ups and downs, and as I write this, most of Will County is cleaning up from one, actually…

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Mid-summer tree issues: some look bad and aren’t; some look benign but are terrible

July 11, 2024 / Comments Off on Mid-summer tree issues: some look bad and aren’t; some look benign but are terrible

We are entering those dog days of summer, and along with that comes heat, humidity and lumps and bumps on trees and shrubs. There are…

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A weed by any other name …

July 11, 2024 / Comments Off on A weed by any other name …

This time of summer, gardeners often find things get away from them a little. Oh, I am sure I am not talking about you, but…

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A midsummer gardener’s checklist

July 4, 2024 / Comments Off on A midsummer gardener’s checklist

The summer solstice came early this year according to the meteorological forecaster, on June 20th instead of June 21st. But any Will County gardener knows…

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Don’t get yourself in a pickle: Understanding food preservation basics

June 27, 2024 / Comments Off on Don’t get yourself in a pickle: Understanding food preservation basics

Soon, produce will be rolling in, and gardeners who enjoy preserving the harvest to last all winter long often turn to food preservation: pickling, canning…

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Magnolia Scale … a sticky situation for tree health

June 13, 2024 / Comments Off on Magnolia Scale … a sticky situation for tree health

I know many of you have had it with the buzz of the male cicadas calling for their sweethearts over the last month, but they…

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Hole-y leaves! What’s the problem — or is there one?

June 13, 2024 / Comments Off on Hole-y leaves! What’s the problem — or is there one?

Mother Nature sure is in her usual fickle mood with her hot flashes and cold dips, but lately she has been throwing nature spitballs —…

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The party can go on with ‘deadheads’

June 6, 2024 / Comments Off on The party can go on with ‘deadheads’

This Firewitch Dianthus perennial has finished its initial bloom. The brown seedheads should be removed and if the weather stays cool and moist, the homeowner…

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Missing Nature’s Daytime Show? Just Wait …

May 23, 2024 / Comments Off on Missing Nature’s Daytime Show? Just Wait …

Spring is a busy time for gardeners, farmers, and people whose lives involve gardening and agriculture. And we often are literally busy from before sunup…

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Tick Tock: What you need to know about ticks in Northern Illinois

May 23, 2024 / Comments Off on Tick Tock: What you need to know about ticks in Northern Illinois

Instead of all the hoopla about the totally innocuous periodical cicada emergence, I wish the media would focus on something really important: Ticks. I have…

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