Public Meeting on Cherry Hill Road Study Set for July 30

The Will County Division of Transportation (WCDOT) will host a Public Information Meeting to present alternatives, answer questions, and obtain public input for the Mills Road-Cherry Hill Road Phase I Study.
The public information meeting will be held from 4 to 7 p.m. Tuesday, July 30, in Rooms C and D at the Nowell Park Recreation Center, 199 Mills Road, Joliet.
The study has developed alternatives to improve safety and mobility, reconstruct pavement, improve drainage, and enhance bicycle and pedestrian connectivity along Mills Road and Cherry Hill Road from U.S. Route 52 to U.S. Route 30.
The purpose of the meeting is to present alternatives to address the project needs, share opportunities to minimize the impacts of alternatives on the built and natural environment, answer questions, and obtain public input.
The meeting will be informal, open-house style with project displays and other information available for viewing. Project team members will also be available to explain the project, answer questions, and record comments.
For those who are unable to attend the in-person public information meeting, but are interested in following the project, all meeting materials will be available on the project website at
Public comments may be provided in writing, in-person at the meeting, by mail at the address listed below, by email at [email protected], or online at
The deadline to receive public comments is August 13, 2024, to be part of the official public meeting record.