Corn and Soybean Groups Meet

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The Corn and Soybean Growers held a joint committee meeting on Tuesday, June 25th at 7:35 pm with the following members present: Al Beseke, Mike Newbrough, Dan Tewes, Eric Wilhelmi, Darren Deutsche, Gordon McCoy, Wayne Walz, Jim Robbins, Jeff Haas, Dale Kestel, Gary Fritz, Corey Brandau, George Beutel, Larry Christiansen, Dave Kestel and Mark Schneidewind, Farm Bureau manager.

Dave Kestel, Chairman, reminded all that they were taking one year off on the harvest dinner after 3 straight years of doing it because of the many volunteer hours and prep work required. Dave reported that the pollinator program at the office has reached 18 years, and we should feel proud that we started this way before any statewide push was being done. He thanked the Master Gardner team for helping us get this started. Nancy has recorded over 300 caterpillars in this pollinator garden at one time.

Dave said that First Bank of Manhattan is hosting a market and economic outlook on September 4th and will feature Britt O’Connell as the guest speaker. It will be held at 6 pm so watch for details coming up in August. The ladies committee will have Britt do a marketing program for women at our office on the same day from 3:30 to 5:00 pm so let your spouses know so we can get 15-20 signed up for this program. Dave reported the Ag Expo was wonderful with way over 800 students and 47 teachers. The program was rated 4.8 out of 5 by the teachers with 40 surveys tallied.

Dave provided an update from the Illinois Corn Marketing Board and that they have along with several other Ag groups including AFBF and some oil industry people are suing the US EPA on their handling and policy for Ethanol as it is not being recognized or acknowledged as an advanced biofuel given all the facts on how emissions have been reduced over the past 20 years. Darren asked if we could place something as a report for the members in the Farmers Weekly Review and Directions and Mark will work on that. The fact is that it is troublesome is the US EPA is utilizing Brazilian ethanol currently which is confusing since it is the same product, yet we were the ones who advanced this process. Aviation fuel based on the electric cars push is our next opportunity to grow and because of the US EPA’s position of not willing to discuss their decision, the court case was formed and supported by over 20 groups. Illinois Corn Marketing board has been supportive of carbon underground storage.

Dave then switched to a report on the Illinois Soybean Association, and they have their trap shoot set for July 23rd. If you are interested, please sign up as it was a good time last year. We will host the ISBA on August 29th as they will provide a legislative update and review the farm bill at 7:30 am for a lite breakfast. Dave encouraged all to attend.

The annual Young Farmers Committee golf outing is set for July 26th so get your foursomes in and or sponsorships into Mark by July 3rd. They had to make some initial changes in the elected officials farm tour. They have a nice program set as Cold Pack Lineage called and said they would participate and then would never confirm the date as the other location was not owned by them. Prairie Creek’s new grain bin construction and Misti Hill Vineyard are the stops this year on August 9th and we will have a smaller bus to haul people around. Several people signed up to attend and help. Invites are out and we have 4 elected officials signed up already.

The group developed a work schedule for Family Fun Night and will have the basketball shoot and ball drop game for the kids. The Full Circle Band is the entertainment for the evening and will play for 75 minutes. We have several new attractions this year. We will meet at the office at 9 am to haul items and set up is 10 am on July 11th. The Will County Fair work schedule signup will be at the next meeting, but the event is August 21-25. The Farm Bureau is helping to support their new wheel of ag program and we have 2 new groups in our tent including Wreaths Across America. Jim provided a report on the Will South Cook Soil and Water Annual Awards Dinner which will be held on August 1st and several bought tickets. The new summer event to replace harvest dinner is the nutrient management program at the Kiefner farm on July 31st from 3-6 pm with a pork chop dinner to follow. Several signed up and we anticipate 100 people attending. Gordon will cook and he needs help.

The Will County Threshermen’s Show is set for July 18-21 at the Spiess Farm in Wilton Center so mark your calendars to attend. Thee legislative barn meetings will be held on July 29th at Dave Kestel’s farm with 4 legislators confirmed and on August 5th at Steve Warrick’s farm with 2 legislators confirmed.


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