New Flags, Turf … Same Mission for State Police

Throughout its 100-year-history, the Illinois State Police has reorganized as needed to meet the changing demographics necessary for efficient protection of its residents.
That happened again on January 1 when the State Police reorganized from 21 patrol districts across the state to 11 patrol troops.
The establishment of patrol troops allows ISP to refine its focus on violent crimes, continue its mission to reduce traffic fatalities, and schedule officers to respond to calls for service 24 hours a day, seven days a week, 365 days a year, State Police officials said in a press release.
“This is the end of the old era and the beginning of a new one,” said State Police Director Brendan F. Kelly, at a February 22 ceremony marking the change from Lockport-based District 5 to Troop 3.
In recognition of the newly formed troops, State Police issued guidons – or flags – for each new troop and held ceremonies within each new troop. Troop 3, still based in Lockport, now covers Boone, Cook, DeKalb, Grundy, Kane, Kendall, Lake, McHenry and Will counties.
Heavy rains forced the February 22 Troop 3 ceremony inside at the Central Management Services Garage at Stateville Correctional Center.
There, Kelly helped unveil Troop 3’s new guidon, or flag, green and gold and depicts an ISP Montana Peak on top of the ISP badge.
Troop 3 Commander, Capt. David Keltner, received the guidon from Maj. Jason Bradley. The new flag, which will be passed on to each subsequent Troop 3 commander, then was posted for all to see.
“The guidon presented today to the commander of Troop 3 is a symbol of our values and our officers’ commitment to the people they serve in this region,” Kelly said.
The effects of the reorganization can already be seen in the troops, he added. When comparing January of 2022 to January 2023, statewide there has been an 11 percent increase in traffic stops, an 18 percent increase in enforcement action (citations/warnings) and a 9 percent decrease in crashes, according to the release.
Every Troop had operational successes in January 2023, Kelly said, including Troop 3, where expressway shootings decreased by 38 percent in January, compared January 2022, and was the second lowest number in almost two years.
To help accomplish the reorganization, State Police conducted staffing studies using an independent consulting company and the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration’s Personnel Allocation Model, a spokesman said.
They also engaged committees consisting of subject matter experts to assess staffing levels and make recommendations for patrol boundaries.
“ISP takes pride in our paramilitary traditions while constantly evolving to better serve the public,” Kelly said.
All ISP Headquarters buildings will remain open and public access to services will not change.
As part of the ceremony, Kelly issued commendations to State Police officers on hand. He noted the number awarded in Troop 3 was the largest of any of the other troops.

Troop 3 Commander, Capt. David Keltner, received the guidon from Maj. Jason Bradley. The new flag, which will be passed on to each subsequent Troop 3 commander, then was posted for all to see.
(Photo courtesy of the Illinois State Police)